Ouh well, the bitches head down to the beach on 30 December. Its been a while since we all went out together. Some of you guys may wondering, I'm back friends with firah for real? We did talk things out with each and everything seem fine now. We may look like we are friends like how we used to but actually, we feel kinda awkward with each other too. I did told her that if anything were to happen like the past, I won't bother to talk things out about it anymore. For like seriously, I just want to move on with life. I'm living in reality and not in some games thingy or what so ever. If you want to be friends with me then I will treat you like how a friends should be treated. And if you want to bitch around about me or what so ever by all means, go ahead. I don't give a fuck about it.
So back to the main topic: " Beach Bitches"
We all planned to meet at 12 noon at Khatib MRT station. But unfortunately, Firah being herself was late as usual. Waited for her till like 1 in the afternoon. Hurry down to vivo to get our food as we are all hungry. After which head down to palawan beach at sentosa. i actually planned to have a tanning session but it was mostly cloudy and didn't really tanned my body though. So did some photoshoot then off for a swim. After spending some time at the beach, we then head down to vivo roof top to chill. As firah bring along her mom's dslr camera, I took the chance to make use of the camera and snap both fatynn's and firah's. Feeling, feeling photographer like that. I do had fun with them although there is some awkward moments. Ouh ya, we did some funny videos while we were at the beach. You guys can check it out on fatynn's facebook. As for the pictures, you guys can check out on firah's facebook.